The Federico Zeri Foundation enjoys Bologna University participation. It is supported by University funding, as well as from private sponsors linked to specific projects.

Supporters 2024

Supporters may be companies, associations or private individuals who make annual donations of at least 5,000 euros  in support of Federico Zeri Foundation activities.
Such concrete support goes to improving and making more accessible what is an inestimable resource for art history studies: Federico Zeri's library and photo archive, now catalogued and freely accessible online.

Supporters may choose to finance specific cultural ventures, publishing projects or special projects; their support will be prominently acknowledged in ways to be agreed.


Supporters are entitled to various benefits:

  • Figuring on the list of supporters on the Federico Zeri website
  • Figuring on the list of supporters in Foundation printed matter (publications, flyers, postcards)
  • Having the company logo on the Foundation website for the projects they fund
  • A complimentary copy of Foundation publications
  • Help in procuring invitations to vernissages at the main international art venues
  • Opportunities for sponsoring specific cultural events promoted by the Foundation
  • Two complimentary annual enrolments to the Friends of Federico Zeri Association worth 1,000 euros each, in the name of two persons chosen by the supporter.

How to contribute