Zeri kept a section of over 4,000 photographs separate from the other sections of the photo archive - Italian Painting and Foreign Painting - to which they form a precious adjunct. These photos depict Battles (868), Landscapes (1,933), Paintings on stone, on glass, and Pale della Crusca (633), Icons (730), Trompe l'oeil and anamorphoses (229).
For filing purposes and online consultation, we have grouped them as a special section called Nuclei tematici (Theme-based nuclei).
So far only the Battles nucleus has been catalogued. This is largely made up of recent photos stemming in the main from Zeri's dealings with the art market. Though he did not collect these photos together in any systematic way, Zeri did archive them by author. Part of them found their way into Patrizia Consigli Valente's book, La battaglia nella pittura del XVII e XVIII secolo, Parma 1986, to which Zeri provided an introductory essay. They form an important starting-point for in-depth study of this painting genre.
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