Over the years the Federico Zeri Foundation has acquired a number of photo collections, substantially augmenting the original Federico Zeri bequest such that our present archive resource stands at 435,000 photos.
To digitize and catalogue these collections for as wide a public as possible has always been the prime institutional mission of the Foundation. The aim is to go on increasing the online catalogue which has become an irreplaceable benchmark for art history research, especially as regards Italian art.
It is possible to support scientific cataloguing with contributions from € 3.000 upwards, that being the sum required to digitize and catalogue about 300 photos.
Cataloguing is performed by specialist art historians experienced in the document photography sector; it makes use of software specially designed for the Foundation photo archive and entails input of a huge amount of information which is then to be validated, constantly checked and updated.
It is a long and costly operation, but that is how the quality of the data is ensured, and hence the reliability and status of the catalogue.
Via Explore the collections, the online database module which facilitates navigation and research into various photo collections, donors may identify sheaves focusing on artists, schools or precise art history themes of particular interest.
Cataloguing operations will be planned in liaison with Foundation staff.
How to donate
Monetary donations to the Federico Zeri Foundation qualify for tax reliefunder the Art Bonus scheme.
Payments must be by bank transfer alone, made out to theFederico Zeri Foundation:
IBAN: IT09 I030 6902 4771 0000 0004 222; BIC: BCITITMM
Cause: "Art Bonus: D.L. 83/2014 for operations supporting Federico Zeri Foundation activities – First name and Family name".